Interim Director Named For Smithsonian’s American History Museum

Marc Pachter, former director of the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, has been appointed Acting Director of the National Museum of American History, effective Aug. 15. He will replace Brent D. Glass, who announced that he was leaving the directorship in August and retiring from Smithsonian at the end of the year.

National Archives Displays “Secret Ink” Documents from 1918

From July 11-31, 2011, the National Archives is displaying newly declassified documents from 1918 detailing German secret ink formulas. The oldest newly declassified documents held by the National Archives, these materials were released April 19, 2011, by the National Archives National Declassification Center in coordination with the Central Intelligence Agency, as part of the President’s more >

House Appropriations Committee Cuts NHPRC Funding to $1M in FY ’12

On June 23, 2011, the House Appropriations Committee cleared a bill providing only $1 million for the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) in fiscal year (FY) 2012. That figure constitutes a 90% reduction from the FY ’11 funding level of $7 million and is $4 million less than the Obama administration’s request for more >

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Report Show Federal Agency FOIA Backlogs Growing

Forty-five years after President Johnson signed the U.S. Freedom of Information Act into law in 1966, federal agency backlogs of FOIA requests are growing, with the oldest requests at eight agencies dating back over a decade and the single oldest request now 20 years old, according to the Knight Open Government Survey by the National more >

National Coalition for History Endorses “Faster FOIA Act” Bill

The National Coalition for History and more than 34 organizations recently joined in sending a letter to the Chair and Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee urging them, in recognition of the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on July 4, to support and more >