• Increased federal funding for the National Archives and Records Administration, including the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC); the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH); historical and preservation programs at the National Park Service; the Department of Education; the Institute of Museum and Library Services; and the Library of Congress.
  • Federal agency and regulatory issues such as expediting the declassification of federal records, addressing Freedom of Information Act backlogs, and maximizing access for historians and researchers to our nation’s documentary history.
  • We oppose the passage of so-called “divisive concepts” legislation by state legislatures. Such bills are designed to limit discussion about racism, sexism, and discrimination in the classroom and/or the workplace. They endanger the academic freedom essential to all classrooms, especially those where history is the focus of discussion and debate. We support the review/revision of K-12 state history learning standards that are based on public, transparent processes. Standards development should be directly supported by classroom teachers, scholars, and other stakeholders with content expertise and understanding of the developmentally appropriate needs of K-12 learners.
  • Adoption of legislation to strengthen rules governing the preservation and transfer of records under the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act.
  • Support the efforts of NCH member organizations as America250 approaches.